
For your reference, below are a handful of resources of where we find some our images
outside of our original content and photos.
We encourage you to visit the links below, get lost and find what amazing scenes are out there!
Disclaimer: Fort Worth Historical is not associated or affiliated with the below listed resources or institutions.

Cite your sources :
We take source citing, photo crediting, copyrights and content sharing very seriously here at Fort Worth Historical. We do not sell or gain profit from any of the images that are shared on our platforms. Many of the old photos we do share are found and collected at local flea markets, auctions, estate sales, garage sales or are kindly given to us. We do not claim to be historians, journalist or archivist but rather, pretty darn good social media users with a deep appreciation for history, Fort Worth and photography.
We strive and proudly cite known photo credentials and their sources on any content outside of our own.
We also respectfully ask that you cite us on any of our original content that we create and claim is ours when it’s shared.
We certainly do not take credit or claim ownership for any content that doesn’t belong to us and we always give credit where credit is due
- we just hope that we’re doing a good job at it.

As we continue to have fun sharing and learning more about Fort Worth’s incredible history through images, let us know if you have any questions, concerns or want to point our incorrect citing or source.
Even if you’re the owner of an image, own the rights or the actual photographer and request that a photo be removed, please reach out to us and we will be happy to.
Email us at


The Portal to Texas History - unt

library of congress

Digital Gallery of the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Libraries

UT-Austin / Briscoe Center for American History

fort worth public library - digital archives

Fort worth star telegram

hometown by handlebar

public facebook group -
Fort worth memories and history

Updated Oct 2018